Saturday, June 28, 2014

Christian Trols

Christian Trolls

Christian Trolls are people (not trolls) who act in the opposite way you would imagine Jesus, a man of a compassionate character, to act.

If Jesus was said to be:

  1. Forgiving
  2. Kind
  3. Gentle
Then Christians who are:
  1. Selfish
  2. Bossy
  3. Loud
  4. Insulting
  5. Act Self-righteous
  6. ...And Predict Pain and Misery for other people Loudly...
...may be called Christian Trolls.
Abrasive or rude behavior from people may seem less like Jesus and more like a Troll.

Link: Online Definition of 'Troll'

If Jesus is a better example...if Jesus showed the example of accepting people as part of creation, if Jesus taught people simple and effective spiritual laws and better paths in life...then would a person who is confused about reality, confuses others, and insists on the infallibility of the Bible seems more Troll like?

How can a Troll be viuw'da as a better example?

To read more...Link: Christian Trol(s) (Part 2)

 Part 3   

In conclusion, I met a lot of people and I learn'da from many.

I can imagine the confusion many young people will experience around high-schools. Often the parent is the young adult's guide and teacher. If you can, imagine a young child who had received little parental guidance. Wouldn't it be helpful to hear the teachings of Jesus? The basic lessons, such as The Ten Commandments, or stories about Jesus and his 'good deeds'...?

After being expose'da to such lessons, a young person may start to wonder...what would Jesus do if he encountered a similar problems...what teachings can I use to help me?

In school I found little guidance. Our school teacher once show'da video footage of a rocket ship leaving Earth. Teachers expose students to photos of other planets, or images of men wearing space-suits, yet...In My Opinion, teachers offer'da little guidance when their students wish'da to learn how they could get to the Moon.
Teachers are guilty of showing students the stars, encouraging them to reach for the stars, yet neglecting basic instruction (such as how to buy a rocket ship), or basic guidance, such as "why seek to talk to God," or "how to get the best guidance...". Teachers can not be parents to other people's children. Teachers do not arrange marriages for their students. Teachers are to offer instruction, or teach useful knowledge. Ultimate reality is about truth, human knowledge is about knowing truth.
We can access a guidance system. 
Yet life is also about finding one's real connection to life, one's purpose...what most people can do!

Unfortunately, basic educational skills are often neglected.
Often, secondary-educational pursuits come...second in young people.
People need good guidance, better orientation, and skills. Skills needed to build a simple home, be better parents, or find ways to get help finding affordable rent.

In My Opinion, I wrote this essay because I was agitated by people, who experience'da similar troubles, in my mind. If they are shown guidance towards spiritual faiths from people (friends) who act concern'da, do the spiritual guides need to be Christians?

For More Blog-posts by this author follow Links below,
Link: Kaytel Corn: My Herstory Online

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Maitrix:

Wake-up Neo.

If Neo had been a gentleman by another name...

Imagine ION.
Imagine ION FLUX

Imagine ION woke to read a message send to his mail-box...wake-up.

Ion is like a white-hot angel without wings. Imagine Ion with straight black hair, dark-brown eyes, and a straight modelish nose.

Imagine that Ion's nose got him into trouble more than once. Like the time Ion took a photograph of himself about to exit stairs: Ion Decending The Escalaitor.

Wake-up Ion.

Imagine Ion met a woman who attracted him like no other.
Imagine that this lady was his match, yet...he was often away.
Ion flew planes.
Ion did not make paiper air-planes.

Ion was the one man who the lady, who made paiper-air planes, loved.
She remembered the afternoon they spend together making impressions in the snow, surrounded by a field that looked like white paiper and starlight.
Would she join The Dead if he left her?

Ion wondered, was a coma like a lucid dream?
If he became lost in a dream...would he dream of electronic seagulls?

Nuw Cahmic-Art plan, sketch-Art of one white-hot Angel bringing light static, tu a zombie pool.

Reality, a noun, derive'da from Latin...realis.
1. The state of being real...based in actual events.
2. Something that exist independently of all other things and forms which all other things derive...Philosophy
Common Usage: in fact or truth; actually, in reality.

Ion wakes, a man.

What is the difference between realism in Art, and comic-Art?
Realism in Art, is about creating illusions of a actual person, a actal thing, or a park the Artist visits and sketches in.

Realism in Art strives to be true tu life...cahmic-Art, often illustrates a story. Many comic-books are fill'da with heroes not based upon real, actual, people.

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

CBA / Fan79518: iDoz!

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Update: I finally got IT!

Oprah is try'n 2 sell her OWN version of the 'Jim and Tammy Baker Story'!

Why am I the LAST tuh now...'Caz I've been dreaming, and spell'n...I taught from Gesus tuh Gy-sah-sa, from Krist back to Christ...from Chos tu KOS tuh Kay-os...and I have re-spel'da 'respell'!
When they said...teach the Gospel, I literally got involved...and forgot old Christian play plans.

Mo' About Me...

I was a notorious book-worm...I like red Apple and nail-polish!
I tune'da intu The Oprah Winfrey Show later than most...I prefer'da Film and Art over TV Shows.

I liked The Oprah Winfrey Show, the host was attractive, well-spoken, and popular with famous people, and 'everyday people'.
I was impressed...I joked, I would be happy to get hired to bring her daily coffee...that's how successful Oprah was...

I watched the gay-men she worked with leave, replace'da by young female interns happy to be hired. I watched her show become less professional looking, as the TV audience witnessed problems...which looked like 'foul-play'.

The Show went off the air, and the host returned with a new sophisticated magazine, "O Magazine", which later became popular with book-readers.

Years later, the host returned to start her own network, The Oprah Winfrey Network, known as OWN.

OWN shows are female centered.
Oprah has reached out to spiritual guides like Jack Cornfield, Iyanla Vanzant, and T.D. Jakes.
Oprah currently reminds me of our modern-day Christian movements...especially b'caz Oprah now reminds me of The Bakers.

Walter Lee Hampton asked people who watch his YouTube Chanel this the best that Tyler Perry, and Oprah can do...with their own network...?
Mr. Hampton implied that he expected better TV programming.

I asked months ago...Is Tyler Perry saving Oprah's network...?Saving OWN with his unusual blend of sex, steam and pseudo-justice in the form of 'The Haves and The Have Nots"?

I am confused by Mr. Perry's new shows, which are often about sexual dis-function, prostitution, and abuse...of one group.

The hotter Mr. Perry's shows get, the more confuseda people seems to be...then I got 'IT'... Oprah started acting in 'The Color Purple'...and received criticism...Oprah has been called a "Oreo", a term used tuh describe someone who 'acts white'.
Could Oprah have moved from 'The Color Purple,' tuh the color gold...part of  the Angel Network...tuh pink, a more passionate color?
Will she end her career like Tammy F., black-mascara stain'n both cheeks, cry-'n tears before the audience?
Will Mr. Perry also need tuh confess mis-deeds before a TBS audience?

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